Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ghost Busters Eggplant

Is India or China the birthplace of the eggplant? The first record about this unusual vegetable was found in China, written around the 5th century. However, many others believe the eggplant made its way into the world marketplace, traveling from India to Morocco via Arab traders. Either way, the first known eggplants were white and grew to be little more than the size of an egg, thus the name.

Today, the name eggplant conjures the image of the squat purple vegetable used in Italian cooking and it is still often considered a specialty item at most grocery stores. Unfortunate. From the first seeds brought to this country by the Spanish to the more obscure Asian varieties now making a splash in today's cuisine, eggplant should be a common household staple. I've grown several different kinds but for productivity and longevity after harvest, by far my favorite eggplant to grow (pictured: two white ghost busters nestled in a box with the more common purple variety) is Ghost Busters.

The Ghost Busters eggplant is the main variety of white eggplant, growing to be about 7 inches long at maturity. From a productivity standpoint, the Ghost Busters will often have two or three eggs growing on one plant while its standard purple cousin can barely sustain one at a time, or so it's been observed in my garden. Ghost Busters withstands more wind damage thus less bruising. I pick mine when the vegetable is firm but not hard and I always cut the eggplant instead of twisting it from the plant to leave the calyx or cap in place. (A bright green calyx left in tact is a sign of freshness.) I store eggplant in my refrigerator with the same care I give lettuce and it will last up to 5 days. Just remember that any variety of eggplant takes a fairly long growing season. The plants need to go in the ground just as soon as the fear of frost is over.

Growing tips:

  • Plants need good drainage or they will certainly develop root rot
  • The smaller the variety the less resistant to extreme summer temperatures
  • Asian cultivars often bear more than standard types
  • In early varieties, flowers appear after the plant has produced six green leaves, 14 leaves until flower in later varieties

Fun Stuff:

  • Around the 16th century eggplant was considered an aphrodisiac in some cultures and accused of causing insanity by other cultures
  • Before the 20th century eggplant were mainly grown in the US for ornamental purposes
  • Like the tomato, the eggplant is a member of the nightshade family
  • Never store eggplant and apples together because eggplants are sensitive to the ethylene apples produce