Does this look like a perfectly healthy carpet rose to you? I'm on a tear this morning. Two days ago, I emailed Jackson & Perkins in regards to their Baby Blanket carpet rose of which I bought three last year. One of the three has leafed out but two of the three are dead. I'm really ticked about this since I tore out an established row of both daylilies and of red fox speedwell, replacing them with the Baby Blankets. As you can see in the picture, that was a lush, robust rose but, this spring its dead. I probably wouldn't be so ticked if it was just the first time one of their roses had played out on me. But its not. I paid good money for another of their roses, America, a climbing rose, that in my garden, hasn't climbed two feet. Furthermore, what really irritates me is the their slogan: The World's Finest Roses---and the Easiest to Grow. I beg to differ. And as far as customer service is concerned, well I'm still waiting to hear from them.
On the other hand, I can't say enough good things about Weeks Roses. I'm sold. I have sixteen of
their beautiful rose bushes on the property and every one is alive and doing well. In fact, late last summer I bought three shrub roses, Mary Rose, Lady Elsie May, and Watercolors, and one miniature, Ruby Ruby, from Nick's GreenLeaf Gardens. I was worried they might not have enough time to get established before winter but they came through with flying colors. All have leafed and are looking robust. FYI: these were all planted well after J&P's Baby Blanket carpet roses.

To top that, I came upon a nursery sale the first week of October. I bought ten of Weeks's rugosa roses, Blanc Double de Coubert, Hansa, and Purple Pavement. They were in bad shape having grown in their nursery pots all season long and then having endured a severe shearing. At $1.99 each, it was well worth trying to save them. And, knowing how well Weeks roses have done in my garden, I wasn't worried. This spring all but two survived and are growing like crazy. That's a Weeks rose for you.

And as you can see in the second and third photos of this posting, Weeks roses put on a beautiful performance. Weeks roses are sold at many retail venues. If you are in my area and are interested in purchasing some for yourself, head over to Nick's Green Leaf Gardens and tell Nick and Loretta, I sent you!